Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Everyone's Hero

An animated family movie about a young boy with a heart of gold. The movie sort of reminded me of a Frosty the Snowman goes to the world series. I loved the baseball character. He was my favorite. I had a hard time with Whoopi Goldberg as the bat, though. It just did not work for me. It did not fit. The boy, Yanky Irving, a die-hard Yankee fan, was loveable. The movie portrayed a strong father/son relationship between the boy and his father. The boy gave his all on behalf of his father to help him out. While the movie had a "dream come true" ending, I thought it went a bit too far and was on the corny side. It was not believable. Some movies do a good job making the unbelievable believable. This movie did not. It was too pie in the sky.

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